Sunday, March 4, 2012

Rush Limbaugh is a disgusting excuse for a human being

ABC News: Rush Limbaugh Doubles Down On Sandra Fluke, Offering 'As Much Aspirin to Put Between Her Knees As She Wants'

I'm sure there's not a single person in the English-speaking world who's not aware of the horrific comments Rush Limbaugh recently made on his show, calling Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke a slut for trying to testify at a Capitol Hill panel on the birth control mandate that has the GOP in a fit.

One of the most ridiculous comments from Limbaugh: “They’re admitting before congressional committee that they’re having so much sex they can’t afford the birth control pills!”  It is deeply disturbing how Limbaugh, and countless other leaders of the GOP fail to disassociate birth control pills and sex.  Part of Fluke's testimony dealt specifically with that- how a friend of hers who needed the medication to prevent ovarian cysts.  That's just one thing; oral contraceptives also protect against and/or treat Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, menstrual cramps and heavy periods, along with other disorders.  Any knowledgeable woman engaging in sexual intercourse is using condoms or something else that prevents transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, since that is one thing the pill doesn't do.

Limbaugh is just another man in a long line of men trying to control women.  We have access to education and financial freedom, but the control freaks can't allow us to have medical or sexual freedom.  His disgusting and degrading comments on how women should be forced to videotape sex acts since "we are going to pay for your contraceptives" only continues to objectify women.  Do I ask to see sex tapes of a man after he has had a vasectomy, since insurance covered it?  No, nor would I want to.  It is a private medical procedure, which is between him and his doctor.  If the insurance company has a problem with it, they can bring it up privately.  It is not a matter for public record.

I can only hope that the rest of the GOP steps up and condemns this disgusting excuse for a human being for his completely degrading, misogynistic comments on this issue.  Looking at the field of Republican nominees and their own stances on women's health issues, I think I will be hoping in futility.

I just read the transcript of Limbaugh's show where he made these comments.  He just does not get it.  He tries equating condoms and oral contraceptives, which are not the same thing at all.  The only thing they have in common is that they can prevent pregnancy.  However, condoms prevent transmission of STDs, which oral contraceptives do not.  Oral contraceptives contain hormones and prevent against disorders of the reproductive system, which condoms do not.  So how are they the same thing?  Also, apparently he thinks that you need to take a pill each time you have sex.  Again, a pill is not like a condom.  One pill, once a day. God forbid Limbaugh educate himself on an issue before he opens his mouth.

Also, this: "Ms. Fluke, have you ever heard of not having sex?"  USE OF ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES SHOULD NOT BE EQUATED WITH SEXUAL ACTIVITY!  I have heard of not having sex.  In fact, I was not having sex for the first four years I was on oral contraceptives.  Why?  Because it is very commonly used to treat medical conditions like the one I and many other women have.

I do love the one part Limbaugh got right.
FLUKE: When I look around my campus, I see the faces of the women affected by this lack of contraceptive coverage.
RUSH: Prove it! Stop the tape. Prove it! What is "on their faces"? Acne? What is it, acne? Zits? What's on their faces that tells you? Seriously!
Yes!  Acne would prove it, as oral contraceptives are proven to reduce acne and zits!  This is absolutely hilarious, that the only time he hits on the truth is when he is trying to be ridiculous and facetious.