Friday, April 23, 2010

Michele Bachmann is an idiot

Gawker: Michele Bachmann Convinced Bill Clinton Wants Her Dead

In completely idiotic news, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) believes that Bill Clinton wants to "take her out" because he politely defended the government as elected officials, not the gangsters that Bachmann says they are.  City Pages links to a video of Bachmann in which she states, "Because I'm using a statement like 'gangster,' I'm responsible for creating the climate of hate that could lead to another Timothy McVeigh and another Oklahoma City bombing."

Honestly, Bachmann, with all the crap you and your buddy Sarah Palin come out with, I think your out-of-context statement has a good point.  You are creating a climate of hate, and it has certainly already caused violence.  Just ask Virginia Rep. Tom Perriello, whose brother had gas lines cut at his house.  Or how about numerous other representatives who have received threatening phone calls or had offices vandalized.  According to Fox News, Tea Party activists had posted the address of Perriello's brother, thinking it was Perriello's house, asking people to drop by his house to say 'thanks' for his vote on the health care bill.

Bachmann states that she is surprised that she's 'that important to take out' as a second-term congresswoman.  Well, anyone responsible for inciting hatred and violence is important enough to 'take out'- that's just common sense.  I can understand the Tea Party movement from one aspect- they disagree with what the government is doing and they want to change it.  However, the methodology they use to achieve their ends is nothing but criminal at some points.  They use faulty rhetoric (Beck, Limbaugh, Palin, etc.), scare tactics (carrying guns at rallies), and downright violence to gain followers and 'achieve' their aims.  And that's what makes me scared.  Blind followers and violence.

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