Thursday, January 31, 2013

Belle's got some issues

So a bit divergent from what I usually comment on here....

During a long day of working, I decided to put on my Disney Pandora station (don't judge) and kept hearing songs from Beauty and the Beast. Unfortunately due to my habit of reading everything on the internet, every time I hear songs from this movie or even watch it, I think of a lot of critiques of this and other Disney films in terms of feminism and relationships. In terms of Beauty and the Beast, many people comment that Belle is essentially in an abusive relationship with the Beast- he yells at her a lot, threatens violence, etc. I always try to defend the movie, since it is tied for my favorite Disney film (with Aladdin, of course).

However, I'll look at it from that perspective and try to give an honest critique. Yes, he does exhibit signs of violence and abusive behavior. However, by the end of the film, he changes. In fitting with the critique, it does send a dangerous message to young girls that you can "fix" a man, particularly an abusive man. But, if we're going to critique this film honestly, I think this is the least of the problems.

First things first- Belle has some serious Stockholm syndrome. The Beast takes her prisoner, threatens her with violence, and acts like a general dick towards her. And her response is to fall in love with him, and then once released, try to defend him from the vicious mob on their way to kill him? Girl's got it bad. And by "it," I mean Stockholm syndrome. Honestly, the general feminist critique that Belle is in an abusive relationship really boils down to this: she's in that relationship because she's got some underlying psychological issue after her imprisonment by the Beast.

Second, and most importantly- is no one going to mention the bestiality part?!?! He is, quite literally, a beast when she meets (and falls in love with) him. Yes, at the end he transforms into a human, but it is initially the animal that she falls in love with. Let's hope they didn't consummate their relationship until after the curse was broken.

So, we've got severe psychological issues and the fact that she's fallen in love with an animal, on top of the fact that this being she wants to have a relationship with is abusive towards her. Girl needs some help.

All that being said, this is my favorite Disney movie and if you try to cut it down, I will cut you. And what, would you prefer she be with that giant douche Gaston?

Totally OT PS: Pandora is killing me with all the Glee covers. My rage just boils over, especially listening to Lea Michele's vocal swoops in every effing song.

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