Thursday, November 18, 2010

The odd, odd world of sports

CNN: Finalist dies at world sauna championships
CNN: Snoring to success in Spain's first national siesta competition

Two equally interesting 'sports'-related stories on CNN.  First, a Russian finalist at the world sauna championships died in early August.  The second discusses the national siesta competition in Spain, which took place in a shopping mall in Spain.

On the first story- WTF?  How is 'sauna' a sport?  In my opinion, it sounds like the dumbest possible event ever.  Let's all sit in a steaming hot room and see who can last the longest!  Except you know why saunas have warning labels on them?  Because you could DIE.  Yeah, I'm gonna go right ahead and risk my life for something that is completely meaningless.  The article said the deceased appeared to be suffering from skin burns.  Kids, let this be a lesson to you- DON'T sit in saunas for extended periods of time.  It's dangerous.

The second story, while at first seems kind of funny, actually goes into the possible extinction of the siesta in Spain.  The contest organizers, it explains, are trying to save the tradition which is being pushed out by the desire to compete better on the global market.  While I first laughed, it is very valid.  Studies (I know they're out there, I just don't have where they are) have shown that napping in the middle of the day actually boosts productivity.  I think the Spanish have always been on to something with the siesta, and it's the rest of the world that's falling behind.  Of course economics could always prove me wrong, but I know at least I get super tired and sleepy around mid-day, which makes me pretty much useless at work after that point.  A siesta would pep me back up and keep me going.

So, in closing, you go, Spain!  Viva la siesta!

(And Finland, knock it off with the sauna crap already)

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I'm going to start the world whirlpool championships. =D
